For those awards based on callsigns (FISTS for example) it is now
possible to automatically update the old QSO in log with the corresponding
references, using "File - Maintenance - Repair/compact the database"
Automatic logging in semi-automatic mode:
If the option to carry the RX
frequency is enabled and the associated program (JTDX, WSJT-X, etc.) does
not provide the RX frequency, then VQLog will not blank the RX frequency,
but carry it from the former QSO. This is specially useful for
satellite and cross band operations.
Focus is automatically set back to the application being used in the
foreground, right after loging in the QSO.
Error message when there are more than 40,000 QSO in the QSL print
Fixed error 40006 when pressing the ENTER key in the DX-Spots window and
not being connected to the DX-Cluster.
Fixed a bug in the update of QSL indicators for PSK contacts.
Saved images of maps and statistics are saved in JPG format, instead of
the old fashioned BMP.
VQLog20.exe, tablas.mdb,
eqsl2.mdb, lotw2.mdb, work.mdb
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 766)
Possibility of configuring different printer trays, one for QSL printing and
another for other printing.
Fixed a problem with the "show numbers" button of the toolbar of the map
Fixed an error message when sending to the QSL queue a QSO with very
long remarks text.
When the option of registering QSO from JTDX, WSJT-X, etc. is set to
semi-automatic mode and the
locator in the internal locator databases is more detailed (6 characters) then assume
it instead of the 4 character locator.
By default passwords are show hidden.
DX-Spots window
Identification of the SuperFox mode
Improved automatic reconnection after a network failure
Control a weird situation in which the DX-spot list in the
"New/Not conf." tab becomes invisible.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 717)
Automatic log update from ADIF files now also takes the satellite name, mode
and downlink frequency, for users of the Greencube Terminal program.
Possibility to show the squares filled on the maps, for easier
identification of the worked squares.
Most windows are loaded centred on the "main" QSO input window, for
easier use with large monitors and multi-monitor setups
Fixed error message when changing QSL indicators of a QSO, happening in
large monitors and multi-monitor setups
New option for filtering satellite QSO by "All satellites but QO-100" in
the partial summaries of Prefixes, DXCC, CQ zones, ITU zones and Continents.
This is an special option for those personally not considering QO-100 as
valid, although in fact it is.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 708)
Fixed and error when updating QSL indicators from LoTW
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 704)
New updates warnings have been improved
Fixed a bug in the update of QSL indicators from LoTW and eQSL for the
QSO in mode PACKET.
Possibility to print one individual QSL label
Improved support of label printer Brother QL-710W for printing QSL
Configuration option of printout orientation of QSL cards is also used
for label printers
Satellite mode:
Support of modes with uplink/downlink in the same band (U/U) for
Show the list of modes sorted alphabetically.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 684)
Fixed a bug of version 3.1 (build 683)
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 683)
Support the upload to LoTW of QSO made using different calls (special
calls, etc). The certificate for the call must have been loaded first
into TQSL.
Fixed a bug in the ADIF importation when the ADIF file contains a too
long callsign.
Revised the importation from and exportation to ADIF of the PACKET,
C4FM, DMR and DSTAR modes, according to the latest
Fixed a bug when printing QSL from the QSO edit window.
Support of the different VARA modes.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 677)
The QSL print pop up window for selecting the QSL sent indicator can be
QSO update window: Warning if the window is closed pressing the Cancel
button but QSL indicators have been changed.
If the option to make backups when closing the program has been
selected, a message is shown during the backup process.
DX-Spots window:
When a DX-Spot is sent to the QSO input window, the
remarks in the DX-Spot are copied to the Windows clipboard, so that they can
be "pasted" somewhere, if desired.
WSPR spots are not taken into account for alerts of new DXCC, Locator,
When the option of registering QSO from JTDX, WSJT-X, etc. is set to
semi-automatic mode and the callbook lookup is also enabled: When the
locator provided by the callbook is more detailed (6 characters) then assume
it instead of the 4 character locator.
Fixed the "Run time error 9" that was shown in some cases when opening a
different log or configuration file.
Fixed the "Error 5" in some summaries when the number of confirmed QSO
was greater than 99,999.
Removed the wrong message of updating databases that was shown during
the program startup.
Fake band "QO-100" removed from the summaries type "Overview (chart by
bands)". QO-100 QSO appear in the "Sat" column.
Fixed the "Error 3163" when updating the VHF database with the file
downloaded from MMMonVHF.
New filters added to some summaries. "Only confirmed by LoTW", "Only
confirmed by eQSL", "Only confirmed electronically" and "Only confirmed in
Summary of QSO
Summaries of squares, main squares and subsquares
Summaries of awards: WPX, DXCC, WAZ, WAC, ITU zones and user defined
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 664)
DX-Spots window:
Changes made in order to take less CPU and disk
Improved identification of WSPR spots
QSL labels printout: Added support of the label printer Brother QL-710W
(and possibly other label printers)
Corrected a bug when setting the QSL-received indicator, but leaving
blank the QSL-sent indicator. The QSL-sent indicator was incorrectly
Improved the "Repair/compact database" function in order to fix records
with NULL characters in the call sign, as a result of the bad importation of
data, and that could lead to the "run time error 3075" to appear in certain
QSO entry: When some of the options to assume the mode (CW or SSB)
depending on the report sent had been selected and a report like +1, +23,
-21, -23, etc. was entered, the mode was wrongly assumed.
Real-time upload to Clublog:
Corrected a bug that could lead the upload
process to stop when Clublog rejects an error because of wrong data. As a
side effect VQLog could be locked for about 15-20 seconds from time to
time. IMPORTANT: Users having noticed this
issue should go to "Configuration - Program options" and in the "Log
upload" tab click the "Empty queue" button corresponding to CLUBLOG and
also temporarily disable the option of keeping the log updated at
Clublog. Once Clublog has lifted the ban (usually 24-48h later) then this
option can be enabled again.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 651)
Automatic logging from MSHV: Mode Q65 is supported.
DX-Spots window: The header of the new/not confirmed tab sometimes was
showing wrong colours.
ADIF importation: When the ADIF file does not contain the DXCC code, CQ
zone, ITU zone or WAC continent, these data are assumed from the callsign.
QO-100 "fake" band is not shown in the DXCC credit windows.
Updated the internal locator database: 40494 new stations and 85160
locators updated.
Real-time upload to Clublog:
Corrected a bug that could lead the upload
process to stop when Clublog rejects an error because of wrong data.
Corrected the error message "An error occurred with thw FormatMessage
API function call......" due to a change in Clublog site.
Update of QSL indicators from LoTW and eQSL: Warning message shown when
special characters are used in the password
Avoid pop-up "Wininet" error messages when no internet connection is
Fixed run time error 6 when printing QSL/Labels having the window in a
secondary monitor.
Control of WAJA ADF file not present during program start and when the
WAJA award has been configured.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 632)
Fixed a bug in the real-time QSO upload to Clublog
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 631)
Internet browser windows, when open from VQLog, are no longer forced to
open maximized.
WAS award: When the state is assumed from a callbook, stations in
the District of Columbia (DC) are automatically assigned to Maryland (MD)
according to WAS rules.
Automatic real-time upload and synchronization of the log with Clublog
(requires Windows 7 or later)
DX-Spots window:
Optimized the processing of DX-Spots, what can improve the overall
response of the program when there are lots of spots, as during major contest
Possibility to temporally filter by a certain band, independently of the
band restriction set in "Configuration - Program options - Restrictions"
Possibility to use the dash character "-" in the callsigns of SWL.
Fixed eventual Runtime error 3011 when opening a different logbook file.
Availability of a new band, called QO-100, for those who are QRV in that
satellite, but not on 10 GHz in general. For example, to only receive
DX-Spots related to the QO-100, but not of the rest of the 10 GHz band
(Tropo, rain scatter, etc)
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 597)
Automated log:
The azimuth input box is not erased when the external program is not
providing the azimuth data, in semi automatic logging mode.
Supports the new format of the log file of MSHV.
Fixed a bug in the purge duplicate QSO function that could not purge all
duplicate records in some circumstances (recorded twice with Auto log and
ADIF importation)
Fixed an error "Invalid use of null" that arouse in some cases when
accessing the function to upload the log to LoTW
Attempt to correct a rare situation that leads the DX-Spots window to
enter a loop. (I can't recreate the situation myself)
Includes the new version of the hamcal32.dll for accessing HamCall
local/DVD callbook.
Support of the "QTH nickname" in the update a QSL indicators from
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 592)
Automated log:
The status of the automatic date/time configuration is restored in semi
automatic logging mode.
ADIF importation:
Priority has been given to the STATION_CALLSIGN tag if both
STATION_CALLSIGN and OPERATOR tags are present
Several minor issues with maps have been fixed.
Reception of DX-Spots:
Indication of whether the station confirms via
Support of the DX-Cluster nodes that shift the frequency one position.
QSO input window:
Indication of whether the station confirms via
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 584)
Program setup: Avoid creation of a new application entry in Windows when
updating a former version.
Sending of DX-Spots: Fixes an issue when some special characters were
included in the remarks.
Automated log:
Fixes an issue when running the automated log feature right at
the save light time change.
When the source program does not provide some data (power, propagation
mode, etc) and VQLog has been configured to carry that data from the former
QSO, it is now properly carried instead of assuming it blank.
Mode FT4 supported when using automated log with MSHV
Possibility to access the log by town/village name
Improved identification of DXCC:
For US callsigns of non contiguous states and
other US territories, actually operating from some of the contiguous states.
Clublog exceptions table integrated.
DX-Spots window:
Spots from WSJT/JTDX UDP monitoring were shown with the local
time, instead of UTC.
When resizing the window, the remarks field is expanded/contracted
according to the window width.
Possibility to show the DXCC name in the remarks of the New/Not
confirmed tab.
Handling of messages received from WJST-X/JTDX via UDP has been revised
in order to overcome some filtering issues
Callbook lookup:
Online QRZ.COM: Bio information, etc. is correctly shown
when it contains UTF-8 characters.
Size of Bio information in the "More.." tab adapts to VQCall's window
Removed error message when QRZ.COM does not answer in the expected time.
Awards: When the award reference can't be obtained from other
sources, it will be assumed (carried) from the last QSO with that same
Corrected a bug in the configuration that could make the program crash
with an error message.
CAT: Fixed the run-time error 3265 when creating a new CAT connection
Fixed the "invalid use of null" error when loading the DXCC
accreditations window, under some circumstances.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 562)
Fixes a bug in the identification of T10 mode as a digital mode.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 561)
QSL sent/received status indicators revised when using the "To display",
"To a file", "Print" and "Web page" buttons in the log access window.
Usage of digital voice modes revised both internally and regarding ADIF
Fixed a bug in the calculation of sunrise/sunset times if the program
has been configured to show slashed ceros.
DX spots: QO-100 satellite spot detection adapted to the new bandplan.
ADIF importation: Supports formats where PSK specific modes are
specified as submodes of a generic mode PSK.
Cabrillo importation:
Supports FT4 DX CONTEST format
Changes made to facilitate the importation of future digital contests,
requiring only an update in the TABLAS file and not to change the code of
the program
QSL printing:
Fixed a bug in the alignment when printing multiple QSL
cards on a sheet.
When printing the QSL from the QSO update window the text "Pse QSL" was,
in some circumstances, printed instead of "Tnx QSL"
Corrected a bug when a the hhHmm time format has been selected in the
regional settings of Windows.
Update of QSL indicators:
Fixed a bug when updating both from eQSL and LoTW
If LoTW answers with an error, the detailed message is shown.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 548)
Award tracking:
If the WAJA (Worked all Japan award) is configured and the callbook
lookup enabled, the program will try, when entering a new QSO, to assume de
award reference from the post address provided by the callbook. Please
understand that callbooks don't provide the JA prefecture as an specific
data but, in the best of the cases, as an unformatted text somewhere in the
post address. VQLog can't guarantee that the WAJA reference can always be
assumed from the post address, but it will do in most of the cases, so you
must see this feature as a help if you are interested in this award.
Requires to use an updated WAJA Award Definition File (ADF).
If the USACA (USA Counties award) is configured and the callbook
lookup enabled, the program will try, when entering a new QSO, to assume de
award reference from the information provided by the callbook.
Requires to use an updated USACA, USACA2 or USACA3 Award Definition File (ADF).
Avoid IOTA warnings for satellite spots as there is no
IOTA satellite award .
Detection of mode for SIM31PSK and SIM63PSK spots
Detection of mode for QO-100 satellite spots
Improved detection of FT4 and FT8 spots
QSL printing:
Handling of RO-xx type reports
When printing labels, possibility to decide the first label in the sheet
to be printed.
Printing of address labels: Possibility to decide the first label in the
sheet to be printed.
Semiautomatic logging:
Do not show a warning message if an award reference
assumed from a callbook lookup is not valid. In that case no reference will
be assumed and the automatic logging will continue.
Disables automatic date/time update in order to make sure that contacts
are registered with the right time.
QSL indicators update from LoTW, eQSL o ADIF: Apart from the QSL
indicators, locator, IOTA and WAS, that already were updated in the former
version, it will also try to update the references of the WAJA, CDA, OBLAST and USACA
awards, if these have been configured. Requires to use an
updated WAJA,
CDA, OBLAST, USACA, USACA2 or USACA3 Award Definition File (ADF).
don't have the USACA award already defined and you want to add it as a new
award it is highly recommended that you make use of the new USACA3 ADF. If you
already have the USACA award defined with the USACA or USACA2 ADF then you
simply should update the ADF file.
OMNIRIG: For those who like to map digital modes to USB/LSB modes in the
OMNIRIG-D: For those who like to map digital modes to USB-D / LSB-D
modes in the rig.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 514)
Auto-logging from WSJT-X, JTDX, etc:
Avoid recording QSO if the own
locator configured in WSJT-X / JTDX is only 4 character long, as VQLog
requires it to be 6 character long. A warning message will be shown
every time until a 6 character long own locator is set in WSJT-X / JTDX
Possibility to configure that when the source program is not providing
the own callsign and/or own locator (MSHV for instance) the auto-logging
feature assumes those configured in "Configuration - Station data". This
option is enabled by default.
Logbook listing: Adapted to the multiple QSL sent/received indicators
Update of QSL indicators from LoTW, eQSL & ADIF: Possibility to show a
detailed log of the QSO that have been updated.
Backup copy: Possibility to make a copy of the files automatically when
quitting the program.
DX spots window: When a spot is transferred to the QSO input window, if
the spot is on HF and the former QSO registered was a satellite QSO, the RX
frequency and propagation mode input boxes are cleared. This is intended
for those active both on HF bands and on the satellites.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 504)
Colours of some countries in the world map revised
QRZ.COM online callbook lookup: Retries several times before showing the
message that QRZ.COM is not responding (time out)
Fixes run time error 381 in the summaries of propagation openings.
A temporary error accessing the WSJT-X/JTDX/etc. log file could lead the
automatic log feature to stop working. Fixed.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 499)
Fixes Run Time error 7 when clicking on the QSL sent/received boxes
having the VQLog window beyond the right margin of Windows desktop
Revised the loading of band selection values in the summaries window.
QRZ.COM online callbook lookup: Control of error 35764 when
Internet access or QRZ.COM's response time are slow.
Fixed a bug in the update of QSL indicators from an ADIF file, for FT4
Auto-logging in semi-automatic mode
Avoid the attempt to log duplicate QSO
Logging of Start/End times revised.
RX frequency input box is cleared.
Do not try to fill input fields that user has disabled in configuration.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 492)
Warning, this is a major update
so you must make a backup copy of your log file before updating to this
Fixes Run Time error 52 when running summaries, under some circumstances
Update of QSL indicators from LoTW revised
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 487)
Fixes Run Time error 383 when the input of QSL-Received and QSL-Sent is
Fixes Run Time error 381 when requesting a summary of the DXCC
accreditations and no band restrictions have been configured.
When printing QSL, a question mark could be printed beside the
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 483)
Warning, this is a major update
so you must make a backup copy of your log file before updating to this
DX-Spots window:
Improved detection of FT8 DXPedition mode and OPERA spots.
Possibility of filtering out DX-Spots of stations not confirming by LoTW
New option in the right-click pop up menu for searching a callsign in
Implemented detection of FT4 mode spots.
Improved detection of satellite spots
Changed behaviour of the DX-Spots button in the toolbar to more easily
enable/disable the DX-Spots Window
Possibility of completely disable new locator warnings.
Meaning of "Mixed" mode in awards adapted to ARRL specs (same than most
other awards).
Possibility to configure the program so that it automatically switches
to a certain tab after entering a QSO.
"Summary of QSO" function is now "Summary of QSO/SWL" allowing summaries
of SWL.
Possibility to sort the award summaries by date of the first QSO with
each reference.
Help manual revised and updated.
Automatic log update to DXMAPS: Fixed an error message if DXMAPS server
is not available.
10 GHz and above bands were not shown in the band list of the DXCC and
Locator tabs.
ADIF format:
Importation/exportation of FT4 mode
adapted to the new ADIF specifications (Mode=MFSK, Submode=FT4)
Exportation for eQSL: SIMPSK31 and SIMPSK63 modes adapted to
eQSL requirements
Corrected a rare bug in the exportation of satellite QSO,
when selecting the option of exporting only SAT QSO.
Automatic logging of QSO from WSJT-X, JTDX, etc: Mode FT4
supported according to the new ADIF specifications (Mode=MFSK, Submode=FT4)
QSL printing: QSO end time is never printed if that field is disabled in
"Configuration - Field input sequence/selection"
Duplicate QSO purging: Possibility to show a detailed log of the
duplicate QSO that have been purged.
The size and position of the DXCC accreditations window is remembered.
Update QSL indicators from eQSL:
Show meaningful message when eQSL
answers that there are no QSL.
Corrected a bug
QSL indicators:
QSL received/sent indicators are now split, allowing to set four independent
status for QSL received/sent via Direct, Buro, LoTW and eQSL
Possibility to register the date the QSL was received/sent,
independently for each via (Direct, Buro, LoTW and eQSL)
Notice that due to the requirement of compatibility with old QSO data
that don't have yet the new independent QSL indicators set, the old "E"
value will continue meaning "Electronic QSL" generically, unless you update
the QSO manually. In this case the "E" will be in orange colour, to
distinguish it from the new indication of QSL sent/received via EQSL, that
will be shown as an "E" in black colour. Also in the summaries where
only a generic QSL status indication is shown, "E" will continue meaning
"Electronic QSL", either LoTW or eQSL.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 461)
DX-Spots window: Added detection of Opera mode spots
Fixed Run-time error 13 when clicking on the Azimuth and Elevation input
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 459)
Possibility to automatically set the QSL-Sent mark to "E" when uploading
to LoTW and eQSL using the specific upload functions in the "File - Upload
log" menu.
Fixed a minor bug when using the scroll wheel in a list of few QSO.
Fixed a bug in the top alignment when printing batches of QSL cards with
a background image.
Supports the importation of the FT8-Round Up contest Cabrillo files.
DX-Spots window:
Improved detection of FT8 DXPedition mode spots
Added detection of JS8 mode spots
Sending of DX-Spots (VQSpot)
Options for restricting the locators to 4 characters or even not include
them in the spot.
Possibility to use of the mouse scroll wheel in the awards tab when
there are so many awards defined that don't fit in the tab.
Changed behaviour of the tab key in the awards tab when there are so
many awards defined that don't fit in the tab. Now it scrolls down, if
required, until reaching the last award.
Input format is now checked right after each award reference is entered,
not only when the OK button is clicked.
Possibility to get warnings when a new reference is entered (Requires updated
TPEA, IOTA and WAS ADF for a correct control of
those awards). Option is disabled by default and must be enabled in
"Configuration - Program options - Performance" only if your computer speed
allows to do so.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 425)
Control of runtime error 52 when using UNC files in the auto-log
DOK codes are assumed automatically from the callsign during the input
of new QSO (requires updated DOK / CDOK ADF)
Fixed minor issues in the scroll of the last QSO window.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 421)
Control of runtime error 339 (missing OCX file) during program start and
direct link to the FAQ page
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 417)
Corrects a bug (error message) when using both the auto-log from WSJT-X,
JTDX, etc. and the real-time log update to DXMAPS.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 416)
Sunrise and sunset times, both local and for the DX, are shown in the
Distance/bearing tab.
Cabrillo importation routine improved for PSK contests
VQSpot allows to automatically spot the mode
Improved detection if IOTA references in comments
Attempt to make use of the "Only analyze DX callsign..." option also for
new locator warnings.
Support of Digital voice modes: DMR, D-STAR and C4FM
Minor improvements in the auto-log feature from ADIF files
Summary of missing squares was not listing them properly sorted.
Callbook lookup window: The view on map button was not working.
QSO and locator summaries on maps: Corrected a bug when showing the
lines of QSO made from an alternative locator.
online log at DXMAPS.COM
New assisted log upload in "File - Upload log" menu
Real-time automated online log update (configure it in "Program
options"). As soon as you add, delete or modify a QSO the change will be
reflected in your online log at DXMAPS.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 398)
Fixes "Runtime error 3265 Item not found in this collection" when
setting QSL received indicators in the logbook access window.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 397)
Fixes "Runtime error 3265 Item not found in this collection" when
setting QSL received indicators in the last QSO window.
Cabrillo importation routine improved for PSK contests
Callbook lookup window: QSL via indicators were not initialized when
searching for an inexistent callsign.
Files in the AWARDS and CAT subfolders are not overwritten when running
the setup in update mode
Maps window:
Fixes an error when selecting "Adjust window", being the window
Drawing routine for the gray line / Moon footprint revised
Gray line / Moon footprint was not refreshed automatically in some cases
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 393)
DXCC tab could incorrectly show QSO with Z6-Kosovo prior to
Jan,21st 2018
Corrects "Run-Time error 94: Invalid use of null" in program start.
New options for direct QSL indicators update from and LoTW
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 389)
Fixed error messages in summaries of QSO involving contacts with long
mode names (SIMPSK31 for instance).
DXCC summaries could incorrectly show QSO with Z6-Kosovo prior to
Jan,21st 2018
Fixed "out of memory" errors in QRZ.COM online callbook lookup.
Cabrillo importation file selection dialog also offers by default .cbr
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 388)
Automatic logging:
From WSJT-X: Supports the automatic logging of the
"name" field.
From MSHV: Supports the new mode number 22 (FT8)
Allows to link CAT definitions to powers so that the "Power"
input box is automatically updated when changing between CATs. See
"Configuration - Station data - Rigs"
Allows to link Rig definitions to powers so that the "Power" input box
is automatically updated when changing the rig in the "Rig" input box.
See "Configuration - Station data - Rigs"
Information in the Awards tab was not always reset after a callsign
change during QSO input
Support of Windows regional settings containing a "." (dot) as time
separator character.
Callbook lookup window:
Some fields from the former search were not blanked when searching for
a callsign inexistent in the callbook.
The "Session timeout" message is no longer shown (QRZ.COM online lookup)
QSO Map:
Under some circumstances the show map
option was required to be clicked twice in order to actually load the map window.
Window size and values of scroll bars are preserved. Useful for those
you want to see the map partially
Option and tool bar button to automatically adjust the window size to
the default map size.
Colour of CQ zones lines changed to distinguish them more easily from
other lines
Possibility to drag the maps to change the visible area, when shown
New DXCC Z6-Kosovo included in the maps
DX-Spots: Option to disable the visualization of locators in spots on
the HF bands.
QSO with Z6 prior to 21-January-2018 incorrectly assigned to DXCC
Kosovo: In order to fix this issue you should run:
File - Maintenance - Back-up the database
File - Maintenance - Repair/compact the database (DO IT TWICE)
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 379)
When QSO map is visible, it is updated when the locator is
changed in the QSO input window
Corrects some eventual issues loading the QSO map window
Option to show CQ zones on the world map
ADIF importation/exportation now supports the standard tags ANT_AZ and
Allows to link CAT definitions to rig descriptions so that the "rig"
input box is automatically updated when changing between CATs. See
"Configuration - Station data - Rigs"
DX Spots Window: Minor improvements in the mode detection routine.
Possibility to access (search) the logbook by name
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 374)
Minor improvements in setup program
Support of the satellite mode in CAT communication with the Icom IC-9100
(get both uplink and downlink frequencies). Requires
updating the CDF file
Option to draw moon footprint, grey line and geomagnetic equator on the
world map.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 371)
MWS summary supports 70 MHz band
Option in Initials and EME-Initials summaries allowing to select "worked
/ confirmed / pending of confirmation"
Mouse wheel scroll
It was not working for the filter list of the DX spots window
It was not working under some circumstances when several monitors were
used (extended desktop at the left of the main desktop)
DX Spots window
New option in the contextual menu (right click on a callsign) for
directly adding the callsign to the filter list.
Improved IOTA reference detection in spot comments
Minor improvements in the logbook access options from the pop-up menu.
Exportation now uses the standard tag
Exportation/importation of Aircraft Scatter propagation mode adapted to
new specifications
Record number shown on QSO input window was truncated if the decimal
separator and thousands separator character is the same in Windows regional
Automatic log function support for MSHV 1.5
Option in the QSL queue window to refresh the queue without having to
close/open the window
Destination folder of files of summaries, exportations, etc. is
Fixed error 384 when the fast-input mode was selected having the input
window maximized.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 354)
Fixed Run-time error 5 with during processing of some WSJT-X/JTDX spots
Improved interpretation of some WSJT-X/JTDX message formats
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 353)
DX spots Window:
DX-Cluster connection allows to configure ports above 32767
Improved mode identification for VHF-SHF bands
Possibility to get the messages received by WSJT-X / JTDX, and so
trigger DXCC warnings, locator warnings, etc. Notice than although all
messages decoded by WSJT-X/JTDX are interpreted, warnings will be only given
for the stations actually received by you and only one warning will be
generated each five minutes for the same callsign, in order to avoid
constant useless warnings.
Watch texts 31 to 40 were not triggering the warning.
Corrected detection of IOTA spots for OC-xxx references.
Program update warnings:
Program will check for availability of new versions of VQLog, TABLAS and LOTW2 files (Can be disabled)
and offer to the possibility to download them automatically.
New menu option to directly update the TABLAS file.
Automatic log from other programs:
Possibility to monitor updates from up to three different log files per
program (3xWSJT, 3xWSJT-X, 3xJTDX)
Possibility to automatically update log from DXLab's WinWarbler ADIF log
and from any other program that log the QSO in a ADIF file.
Possibility to run in semi-automatic mode. Data is shown first in QSO
input window, so that it can be modified or completed (with propagation
mode, for instance), prior to being logged in. The QSO shown in the
input window is actually logged in VQLog either when you make use of usual
"OK" button or when you log a new contact in WSJT, WSJT-X, etc.
Possibility to restrict the list of satellites to show.
Browse logbook windows:
Corrected issue that was preventing award columns to be hidden.
QSO end time column moved right after the start time.
Handling of callsigns with the /LH suffix (Light house).
Some minor issues with the maps window.
New fast/compact QSO input mode.
Supports the MY_RIG tag in ADIF importations.
Improvements in the "Repair/compact database" function.
Possibility to run the program without administrator privileges, if
and only if it has been installed outside the "C:\Program files (x86)"
folder. Setup program by default will install it in "C:\VQLog" folder.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 325)
Issues fixed: Error message during ADIF exportation after having
automatically logged QSO from WSJT / WSJT-X / JTDX
Includes latest TABLAS file with an updated locator database (51204 new
callsigns added / 24951 callsigns updated)
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 324)
Issues fixed: Error message during ADIF importation
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 323)
Issues fixed: Error message when automatically registering QSO from WSJT-X
containing end QSO time.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 322)
Issues fixed:
LoTW2.MDB is not replaced during program setup in update mode
Frequency formatting in the DX-Spots window
Update of QSL received indicators from LoTW report files
ADIF importation:
Supports frequencies with precision of hundreds o Hertz
QSL indicators update:
Supports the "DATA" generic mode
Possibility to automatically register the QSO when they are logged in
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 319)
Callbook, DX-Spots, VQSpot and Last-QSO window state (minimized, maximized,
normal) is preserved after restarting the program.
Map Window:
Option to show QSO lines
The QSO map window can be left open and then shows the ongoing QSO.
The position of the window is preserved
Upload to Clublog, eQSL and LoTW: The last upload date&time is only
updated if the upload was satisfactory.
Cabrillo importation file selection dialog also offers by default .log
Control and warning if not executed as administrator.
Fixed a bug with the representation of the slashed zero when generating
WEB pages
ADIF exportation: Own rig ADIF tag corrected to MY_RIG
ADIF importation: Supports additional QSL sent/received tags used by
some programs (HRD for instance)
QSL indicators update: Supports additional tags and indicators used by
some programs (HRD for instance)
When assuming the locator from the Callbook, for some portable stations
the locator of the fixed station was assumed.
In the quick summary of DXCC, the deleted entities are identified
prefixed with the "DEL" text.
Possibility to filter by own callsign in the log access windows.
Support of PowerSDR 2.x CAT interface (experimental)
DX-Cluster window
Number of watch texts increased to 40
Option to sort the watch texts
Reception of spots from PSK reporter
Direct link to DXMAPS propagation calculator when right clicking on a
Possibility to define a list of callsigns to filter out (ignore)
Improved detection of new WSJT-X digi modes in the spots
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 277)
Improved detection of IOTA in DX-Spots
Corrected a bug in LoTW, eQSL and Clublog uploads.
LoTW upload adapted to multilingual version 2.3 of TQSL
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 272)
Corrected a bug in the VHF database importation for too long fields.
Corrected a bug in ClubLog/LotW/eQSL upload when a date format different
from DD/MM/YYYY was selected.
DX-Spots window
Possibility to define up to 20 watch texts.
Possibility of new IOTA warnings (HF and VHF awards have separate
warnings, according to new IOTA rules).
Frequencies and time shown edited for easier readability.
Attempt to identify Satellite spots and provide separate DXCC and
locator warnings.
Option to select all VHF bands (50 MHz & up) in the band selection
box of the summaries.
When mouse pointer is placed on the award name in the awards tab, a text
with the long description of the award is shown.
Fixed a bug in the 100 EA CW award summaries, that could lead to show
less stations than real under certain circumstances.
Possibility to filter by satellite in the summaries (first select
propagation = SAT, then select the satellite)
Possibility to carry the satellite data (in that satellite tab) from one
QSO to the following.
After a backup or some database maintenance the program restarts and if there were other windows open
(DX-Spots, Callbook, last QSO) they are reopen.
Remarks length extended to 150 characters. (Warn,
backup recommended prior to update)
Includes latest update of the TABLAS file. Main changes are:
Locator database updated: 37965 new callsigns, 15168 updated.
Locates several DX operations using non standard prefixes.
Supports new digital modes.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 243)
Some dropdown combo boxes in the tabs of the QSO input and QSO lookup
windows were shown with a dark background after changing the selected tab.
Corrects a bug in the interpretation of not confirmed DXCC when the
option to consider DXCC as new only when it is new on the band independently
of the mode is selected.
Fixes program crash when minimizing/resizing the DXCC credit window
Control error when selecting the printer and no printers are defined in
DXCC accreditations: Possibility to print only the summary.
DXCC identification of stations signing as Fxxxx/Pnn and Wxxxx/xxx
After a backup the program restarts and if there were other windows open
(DX-Spots, Callbook...) they are reopen.
Added log upload support to LoTW and eQSL
Supports the
PROGRAMID and PROGRAMVERSION fields in the ADIF exportations.
DX-Spots window:
Option to search latest DX-Spots of a station
Corrected bug in new locators identification.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 220)
Going back to the latest frequency/mode used also restores latest
In the past QSO lists, if propagation is SAT, then the satellite name is
shown instead of the text SAT.
During the update of QSL indicators from a LoTW report file, the IOTA
reference, CQ zone and ITU zone are also updated if necessary. The LoTW
report file must have been generated selecting the "Include QSL details"
Link to Twitter page of VQLog in the Help menu.
Added log upload support to Club Log
Award references of portable stations were wrongly assumed if the same
callsign has been worked before as fixed station.
Fixes "Run time error 5" when printing envelopes/labels from the
callbook lookup window.
Fixes "error 3021. No record active" in DXCC summaries.
Fixes program crash when minimizing the DXCC credit window
Fixes program crash when Slovene date format is selected in Windows
QRZ.COM online Callbook lookup:
Texts containing international (UTF-8) characters are now correctly
Implements new version 1.33 of the XML interface (more information is
If IOTA reference is provided then it is automatically filled in the
awards tab, if IOTA award is defined
Award references (WAS, WACA) were wrongly assumed for portable stations.
Avoid pop-up messages appearing when the BIO of the look-up callsign
contains javascript code.
DX-Spots window:
Fixed a bug that caused the text "DX/SPOT" to be send sometimes to the
QSO input window when double clicking on a spot.
When no spots are received for 3 minutes, the connection to DX-Cluster
is checked and a reconnect issued if necessary.
Option to consider DXCC as new only when it is new on the band
independently of the mode.
LoTW availability indicated in orange if the station has not uploaded
logs to LoTW in the past 6 months (according to the date in LoTW2.MDB)
Updated link to Hamcall (old Buckmaster) callbook.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 203)
Smother scrolling with mouse wheel
Improved scrolling with mouse wheel in logbook browse windows (automatic
page change)
Fixed a bug in the update of QSL indicators from ADIF (eQSL, LoTW...).
DXCC confirmed status was not updated.
Logbook browse windows: Current record pointer is maintained after
printing QSL or changing QSL status.
Includes version 1.8 of VQSpot.
Possibility of going back to the latest frequency/mode used (menu option
or pressing Ctrl-B). If used repeatedly it will alternate between the two
frequency/mode sets.
Improved processing (=less CPU and disk load)
Fixed (hopefully) error 3045 when the CDF file was eventually not
accessible for whatever reason (antivirus or some Windows process locking
it, for instance)
DX-Spots window:
Improved SSB mode identification for frequencies outside the SSB
bandplan segments.
Possibility of temporally pause the processing of DX-Spots.
Possibility of direct connection to the DX-Cluster, without having to
use DX-Telnet or Livemuf
Faster processing of DX-Spots (=less CPU workload)
Double-click on a spot sends it to the QSO input window (and so if you
have CAT enabled, the QRG and mode are set in the rig)
When a spot is at the same time new on the band and new on the mode
(Phone/CW/Digi), both frequency and mode are shown bold.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 162)
Last QSO in the "Last QSO" window was only half visible.
LoTW availability indicated beside the callsign in the QSO input window.
Corrects a bug accessing QSL manager reliability for callsigns
containing slashed zeros.
Scrolling with Mouse wheel
QSO input DXCC tab: new warning showing band independent details (for HF).
Importation of the new MMMonVHF database (available as a text file in
the download section of
DX-Spots window:
Mode is bold if the DXCC is a new-one on the mode (phone/CW/digital),
independently of the band (for HF)
Improved CW mode identification for frequencies outside the CW bandplan
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 152)
Direct link to DXMAPS.COM callbook from DX-Spots window
Fixes "Run-Time error 424" when going to the "Available data" window.
Improved mode identification in DX-Spots window for frequencies at the
edge of bandplan segments.
Fixes 24.9xx frequencies being rounded to 25.0 in the "QSO" tab of the
main window.
Correct margins of "last QSO" window, for newer version of Windows.
Three independent QSL queues
LoTW availability indicator in the DX-Spots window. This functionality
can be optionally enabled simply placing the LoTW2.mdb file (that can be
downloaded from ) in VQLog's folder (same
folder than VQLog20.exe program). It also possible to use the menu
"Options - Update LoTW2.mdb" of the DX-Spots window.
Locates several DX operations using non standard prefixes.
Updates to the satellite list
Locator database updated: 28357 new callsigns, 19216 updated
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 145)
Improved identification of digital modes in the DX-Spots window
QRG is bold if the DXCC is a new-one on the band, independently of the
mode (for HF).
All time new ones (ATNO) are shown in magenta colour
QSL manager reliability calculation in QSO input / update.
DXCC entities listings in official ARRL order
Control of credited DXCC entities
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 129)
QSL manager was always assumed from callbook, independently of the
option configured in program options.
Fixed bug in exportation of ADIF files for LoTW for some QSOs on 23cm
Beacon spots are not taken into account for DXCC warnings in DX-Spot
Detection of PSK125 mode in DX-Spots window.
Corrects a bug in the treatment of new versions of TABLAS file
Supports new mode JTMSK
Updates the location of several DX operations with non standard prefixes
Corrects the location of 4U stations in Italy
Supports the importation of the following contests in Cabrillo format:
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 114)
Corrects automatic assignation of HF0 prefix to Antarctica, and other
assignations of prefixes.
DX-Cluster spots mode identification
Band plan revised to identify digital mode sub bands
Allows to configure whether or not analyze the spotters callsign for
DXCC warnings from DX-Cluster
Allows to enable/disable DXCC and locator warnings from DX-Cluster by mode (CW, Phone
and digital). Only for HF bands.
Handling of DXCC warnings for digital modes in QSO input (HF only)
Own callsigns are highlighted in DX-Cluster.
Corrects the imported frequency when importing 1.25m QSO from ADIF files
generated with some programs.
Locator database updated (152134 new callsigns / 24743 updated), now
contains 424703 callsigns
Supports the importation of cabrillo files for new contests
Main improvements & changes
in version 3.1 (build 91)
Support the new 630 m. band
VUCC award summaries support all VHF&up bands
Corrects problems selecting the backup folder
Supports the importation of Cabrillo files for the EA-RTTY, AA-SSB,
IO69 and other squares were not considered to have land in MWS summaries
Corrects the 60m band limits to hold the frequencies assigned in Spain.
Supports sending frequency to PSTrotator in order to allow it to
automatically move the rotator corresponding to the band.
Supports selection of COMM ports 1 to 32 for CAT, making use of a
modified MSCOMM32.OCX (Copy it to System32
folder in XP or SysWOW64 in newer versions of Window)
Fixes a bug when editing an old QSO which was not assigned automatically
to a DXCC.
Main improvements & changes
in version 3.1 (build 81)
TS-50 was not updating log with the data from the rig
Corrects the location of 4K stations
Fixes a program lock when running MWS summaries.
Corrects the name of Annobon I. (formerly Pagalu)
Supports the importation of Cabrillo files for the SMP-AUG, SMP-MAY,
Updates the linking URL of QRZ.COM callsign lookup pages
Fixes a problem with CONTESTIA mode QSO when uploading the log to LoTW
Changes URL's to the new server DXMAPS.COM
"See in Google maps" button was not working in the callbook lookup
Corrects the exportation of 902 MHz files to ADIF format
Supports new XML interface address for QRZ.COM online lookups and
corrects problems retrieving photo and biography data.
Add R1MV to the "deleted" DXCC entity list.
Support the new digital mode JT9
Supports the new prefix Z8 assigned to South Sudan
When importing ADIF files some frequencies were shifted 1 kHz.
Support the MY_GRIDSQUARE tag in ADIF importations
Allows to define top and left margins in QSL printout, in order to allow
the printing of individuals QSL in any printer.
Size and position of all windows are saved and restored on the next
program startup.
Grid square / Locator Callbook has been updated: 117928 new callsigns
have been added and 39120 records have been updated. The callbook
contains now the Square / Locator of 272574 callsigns.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 78)
Corrected the name of 9Q (Dem.Rep of Congo).
Support new prefix assignations in Russia.
Corrects the margins of the 60m band in order to cover the lowest
channel assigned in the UK.
CAT support for the Kenwood TS-140S and TS-590S, Icom IC-728, IC-729, IC-7200
and IC-9000
and the Yaesu FT-DX5000MP
Changes in the CDF for the TS-590
JO37 and other squares were not considered to have land in MWS summaries
Corrected Run-time error when loading award referencies under some
Support the new DXCC South Sudan.
ADIF files generated for eQSL support the tag QSLMSG (not ADIF standard)
instead of the standard COMMENT tab.
Corrects the band margin for SSB on 40m band.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 76)
QSL-received indicator update function from eQSL/LoTW files was not
working properly when the same station was worked several times the same day
on the same band and mode.
New CDF specific for the Elecraft K3 (it was working before also with
the K2 CDF)
Corrected location of A3 - Tonga
Support the importation of Cabrillo files for the "RDXC",
"EU-HF" and "Viginia
QSO party" contests
Support the new digital modes ROS, JTMS,ISCAT,JT8,DIANA,THOR
Improvements in TS-2000 CAT interface: Negative RIT was improperly
handled / SAT mode supported.
Improvement in the Kenwood CAT interface: Wrong QRG's were shown during
transmit in split operation.
When entering QSO with a VE station, the Canadian province was assumed
in the WAS award when using the QRZ.COM online lookup feature. Now it's
assumed for the CDA award (if defined)
When updating QSL indicators with LoTW files the locator and WAS fields
are also updated in case they haven't been filled already.
The MWS summary for 6m was reporting wrong squares.
Supports the changes in the ARRL list of 10/oct/2010 (Netherland
Overview summary (chart) of DXCC and WAZ awards allows selection of "All
bands" or "HF (No WARC) for easier control of the 5BDXCC and 5BWAZ
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 71)
Location of CT8 prefix for Azores has been added
Support the importation of Cabrillo files for the "DME",
Support the new digital modes QPSK-31, QPSK-63, QPSK-125,
DominoEx-4, DominoEx-8, DominoEx-16, JT2, JT4A, JT4B, JT4C, JT4D, JT4E,
Support of the FT-736R
Support of the new satellites SO-67 and HO-68
Control of run-time error 52 when selecting the backup function.
Correct the location EX-Kyrgyzstan ITU zones
Slightly lager map of North America, covering the Caribean
Minor improvements in the ADIF importation routine.
Distance in the summary of QSO was wrong if the DXCC-Entity has been
manually changed.
Possibility of using the ENTER key to jump to the next input field
Possibility of automatically assuming a mode when an RS or RST like report
is entered.
New function to automatically generate and upload the MWS data to
MMMonVHF web site.
Improved importation of K1EA's CT files
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 64)
Control some eventual errors when running summaries of DXCC and
The "Worked" and "Confirmed" indicators were mixed in some summaries,
when using the Swedish language plugin.
Update QSL indicators from LoTW ADIF files was not working for JT65x
modes (and possible also for other modes longer than 4 characters)
The quick summary of main squares pending of confirmation was not
working properly.
Location of 8J1 prefixes has been improved (some are from Antarctica and
most from Japan)
Prefixes for stations in Taiwan has been revised
Main improvements & changes
in version 3.1 (build 58)
Support the FT-747GX
Support the awards based on working stations giving letters to complete
a phrase
Support the "Trofeo Alcal?de Henares Cuna de Cervantes" trophy
Main improvements & changes
in version 3.1 (build 56)
Fixed Run-Time error sometimes when selecting a month in the calendar window
Supports the importation of Cabrillo files for the "NACIONAL DE FONIA" and "Nacional
de Sufijos" contests.
Possibility to sort the QSL queue by manager and homecall of the DX stations.
Grid square / Locator Callbook has been updated: 30052 new callsigns
have been added and 24645 records have been updated. The callbook
contains now the Square / Locator of 154648 callsigns.
Reception of DX-Spots from DX-Telenet and LiveMuf has been improved in order to
speed up the process and avoid to take to much CPU time.
Main improvements & changes
in version 3.1 (build 53)
2 new voice files available to configure for the DX-spots warnings (NewDxcc.wav
and NewLocator.wav)
Several links to Google maps (from the locator calculator, the map
window and the VHF database access) where not working when the program was
configured in Spanish.
ADIF importation improved in order to support the multi-line fields
generated by SwissLog
Support the Yaesu FT-890 and Icom IC-7700
The CAT support of the Yaesu FT-1000 has been changed as it was not
working properly.
Support the importation of Cabrillo files for the "IARU-HF", "ARI INTERNATIONAL
Support the connection with the
program (version 3.1.31 or later) that allows to control PROSISTEL rotators.
Improves the location of 4O prefixes as Montenegro
The window for selecting the QSO to export to ADIF sometimes was missing
several options (dates, etc.)
Sorting of QSL queue by own callsign:
Sorting was not working in some circumstances
The option was missing in the pop-up menu
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 47)
When a separate RX QRG was not registered, it was shown as ".0" in the
logbook browse window.
Improvements in the DDE communication with LiveMUF for receiving
It was not possible to change the location of the ARSWIN program.
Close the VQSpot window when running backups and other maintenance
Support the Yaesu FT-900 and Icom IC-275
Larger Wold map
Run-time error in the Locator calculator utility window
Sorting by "Own callsign" the QSL queue was reset to sorting "by band"
every time the QSL queue window was shown.
Support logging of Digital Voice mode (DV) for D-Star, etc. contacts
Improvements in the ADIF importation
Control of improperly formatted bands
Support of the SRX_STRING tag, used by some contest programs to store
the locator of the DX station.
Main improvements &
changes in version 3.1 (build 43)
Supports the importation of Cabrillo files with the "Expedici? HF"
and "Expedici? VHF-UHF-Microondas" formats generated by WinURECon.
Frequencies can be registered with higher accuracy (up to 0.1 kHz). Till
know it was 1 kHz.
When sending a DX-Spot to the CAT rig, the frequency of the rig will be
set with a 0.1 kHz accuracy .
After using the calendar window the focus is returned to the associated
date input field.
When sending a DX-Spot to the CAT rig, the mode was not properly set in
the rig in many occasions.
Google maps button was not working if the program was configured in
Google maps button sometimes was shown on a tab other than the Square
When the program was running in the background, with Vista and some
graphic cards, the computer could be locked after some time.
The sample in the free format address printing was not properly shown on
screen (in Vista)
Updated version of the ADF for the EADX100 award.
Main improvements & changes
in version 3.1 (build 39)
The calendar window was not working properly when Office 2002(XP) or
later was installed in the system
The calendar window has been completely rebuild, in order to get rid of
the many problems caused by MSCAL.OCX control.
Main improvements & changes
in version 3.1 (build 37)
The "Square" tab was showing some grey lines when the number of bands
was restricted in the configuration options.
Rare error 3061 when starting VQSpot from VQLog
Name and Manager were not properly assumed from older QSO made with that
same callsign, but in portable (/P, /3, /M, etc.)
Fixes the "Automation error" when clicking the calendar icon.
Calendar texts are shown according to the language of VQLog.
Minor improvements in the calendar window.
Log browse window now also shows the Satellite and MS specific fields.
Remember that you can hide those columns if you don't need them.
A new option "Hide this column" has been added to the log browse window
menu (right click with the mouse) to hide the unwanted columns. Remember
that you can also change the width of the columns, simply by dragging them (see
Main improvements & changes in version 3.1
(build 18-B)
Includes VQSpot 1.5 fixing the Run-time error
3044 when starting VQSpot.
Main improvements & changes in version 3.1
(build 18)
CAT support of the Yaesu FT-DX9000 has been confirmed to be working OK.
Direct link to Google Maps to show the grid square in:
QSO input window (Square tab)
Map windows (double click a square to get the pop-up menu)
VHF database lookup window
Lat/Lon and Locator calculator
Callbook lookup window
The behaviour of the Set/Unset VQSpot button has been changed, in order
to be better understood by some users.
Dates can be selected from a calendar-like pop-up window.
Possibility to easily check if there are new versions available. Option
in the Help menu and button in the the "About.." window.
Version 2.20 of the MMMonVHF VHF database
Main improvements & changes in version 3.1
(build 11)
Correct background colour of some of the toolbar buttons
Correctly locates the TO3EME callsign in FY (French Guyana)
Direct link in the language configuration window to the language plug-in
download WEB page.
Direct link in the award configuration window to the ADF download WEB
Direct link in the CAT configuration window to the CDF download WEB
Contextual help in the language configuration window was linking to a
wrong page of the help file.
Direct link to VQLog's support page in the Help menu.
DX-spot reception now looks for the locator of both the Spotter and the
DX in the available databases, and warns when it's a new/not confirmed
locator (if configured to do so). Before it was warning only if the comment
of the DX-Spot contained the locator. In order not to receive too many
warnings you are advised to select the option "Only for VHF and up QSO" in
the "Locator" tab of the configuration of connection with DX-Telnet/LiveMUF.
DX-Spot window remembers the last active tab and automatically selects
it automatically when running the program again.
Integration with VQSpot (that will be a part
of the standard setup package of VQLog)
Changes in the CAT support of the Yaesu FT-DX9000
Main improvements & changes in version 3.1
(build 10)
Allow to sort the QSL queue by own callsign
Supports new satellite VO-52
Possibility to sort the list of former QSO shown in the QSO tab by several
criteria (right click on the list for menu)
Control wrongly used <TX_PWR> tag when importing ADIF files generated with
Location of the district of several Italian prefixes improved (IK, IZ, IW, etc.)
Possibility to filter by mode and propagation mode when accessing the log
Updated list of modes to be considered as "digital" by the program.
Name and town, when assumed from former QSO is now always taken from the most
recent QSO where that information is available.
Possibility to automatically assume the QSL manager from the most recent QSO
where this information is available.
The DXCC and Square tabs of the QSO view/modify window sometimes were missing
the tab titles.
Main improvements & changes in version 3.1
(build 8)
Support of the Yaesu FT-950, FT-450, FT-2000 and FT-DX9000
(Help needed from users of this rigs to test it).
Allow to configure up to COM-16 in the CAT configuration.
Allow to print the QSL cards center aligned, good for most modern inkjet and
laser printers.
Retrieve the locator of non-USA stations from the Ham radio RAC Callbook (if
available). Please notice that MOST of these locators are not good.
Possibility to assume the locator from the Callbook lookup window, even when
it's not complete (4 characters only)
Main improvements & changes in version 3.1
(build 4)
Fixed a problem when installing in certain operating systems. (Files HHCTRL.OCX,
etc could not be updated)
Help file has been updated, incorporating the changes made in version 3.1, and
correcting some other minor issues.
Main improvements & changes in version 3.1
(build 3)
Access to the logbook with an award reference containing a hyphen "-" was not
working properly.
Main improvements & changes in version 3.1
(build 2)
Several improvements/controls for running in Vista
Main improvements & changes in version 3.1
Support the Help format required by Windows Vista.
Accept foreign stations portable in EA for the 100 EA CW award, according to the
information from URE.
Add support of new DXCC
Maps have been updated with the new European countries
CAT support of the IC-725, Elecraft K2, Yaesu FT-1000 and others
New modes JT65A, JT65B, JT65C, PSK125, etc.
New types of propagation: LP (long path) & SP (Short path) for the HF bands and
ACS (Aircraft scatter)
ES calculator routine has been improved
Allow to fix the QSO entry tabs, so that the program does not change
automatically to the DXCC tab when working a new one.
Support the format of the file downloaded from inbox in order to update
the QSL indicators.
Support longer descriptive text in the awards references.
Show the details of the developer of the ADF
In the summaries of squares and awards containing more than one band, show the
band of the first QSO made.
MWS, ?Most Wanted Squares? del VHF-DX-Gruppe DL-West.
Allow to generate files in MWD format
Support 50 MHz band
Summaries of CQ Zones and WAC continents are much faster (about 4 times
faster). (It's necessary to run once the function "File-Maintenance-Repair/Compact
the Database". It's only necessary to do it once after having updated to
version 3.1, but never again)
Summary of ITU zones
When entering a QSO, assume the Spanish province based on the locator,
if the TPEA award is configured.
Access to the logbook by:
QSL manager
CQ Zone
ITU Zone
Any of the user defined awards (For the TPEA it's necessary to run once
the function "File-Maintenance-Repair/Compact the Database". It's only
necessary to do it once after having updated to version 3.1, but never again)
Direct access to the logbook access menu using an icon in the toolbar
In the logbook access windows:
Allow to sort the list of QSO by several criteria
Allow to print the list of QSO, or save it in a file, or export it
to an ADIF file.
Support the changes made in URELOC 2.0
QSL-VHF contest has no FM mode
Pa? del Cava en UHF contest
Costa del Sol V-U-SHF Contest
Warning if a QSO with possibly wrongly formatted portable callsign (/P0,
/P1, etc.) is entered
Retrieve the locator and type of licence in the QRZ.COM online lookup.
Allow to filter by digital modes (in general) the summaries of QSO,
locators, awards, etc
Allow to filter by WARC bands and "All HF" (10 a 160m) the summaries of
QSO, awards, etc
Support the new satellite mode designation (V/U, U/S, L/X, etc)
Allow to change the program used as viewer of summaries "on screen".
Allow to configure the main windows title text
Accept parameters /L and /C in the command line to force the program to
use a certain log or configuration file.
Summary or not worked squares within a range.
Improvements to the Cabrillo format importation
Import references of the user defined awards, (WAS, IOTA, TPEA, DME,
etc.), if they are defined using and ADF file
Support the formats generated by the WinURECon
Allow to add future formats without having to change the code of the
Fixed problems:
CDF file for the IC-736 was wrong
Several problems in the FT-990 CAT support
Spots not matching the filtering criteria could make appear the DX-Spots
window and sound the warning, as if new spots would have arrived.
Control errors when opening a .CFG file, during the importation from
The summary of propagation openings could show wrong results
depending on the order in which the QSO had been entered.
Allow to break the importation of ASCII, ADIF & Cabrillo files if
they contain dates with a wrong format.
Sporadic errors of "incorrect use of NULL" when printing QSL/Labels
Avoid that WAZ summaries show wrong zones (<1 or >40) that could be
stored in the DB.
DX-Spots of de 10 GHz and higher where not shown.
Run-time error when using the right button of the mouse after
deleting the list of DX-Spots.
If RX and TX frequencies are the same, only one will be printed on
the QSL.
Quick summary of DXCC pending of confirmation was not working
Allow importation of ADIF files with references of more more than 10
user defined awards.
Control errors in the printer selection, during program start up.
Correct assignation of certain prefixes 4N, YU, YT y YZ to Serbia and
Error 5 when making a summary of initials containing more than 9999
Error in summaries, etc. after having made an importation from a
network drive, if that network drive was been disconnected without
restarting the program.
The "power" field was not properly exported to ADIF if it contained
non-numeric characters (i.e.. ?1 KW?)
KingWin importation was failing if the path to the DBF file
contained blanks.
Improvements in the ADIF importation of the USACA award.
When accessing the summaries window, if the selected band did not
match any of the available and the user didn't have 144 MHz selected It
was showing an ?error 383, Text property is read only?
Main improvements & changes in version 3.0B
New rigs supported in CAT
New Award Definition Files included
Faster loading of the windows showing the list of award references for ADF
supported awards.
Don't consider DX-spots like JT65* y FSK441*
As far as possible, avoid showing communication errors with Kenwood rigs.
Callbook online access via internet to QRZ.COM for subscribers of QRZ
Premium Services
Fixed bugs:
MHz y kHz abbreviations corrected
Control whether DIRECC.MDB is marked as read-only
Control null fields in DIRECC.MDB when retrieving them
Remove null fields from DIRECC.MDB when reparing the database
Control wrong date formats that could give errors when naming the path
for the backups.
Control infinite loops in the DXCC calculation routine (4UIWB case)
Activity DX contest routine was not calculating the points under some
Error '383' when modifying a QSO that didn't have a continent assigned
(As result of importing data, for instance)
Error 383 o 386 when accesing the window of summaries
Support null values in the input formats of ADF.
Control errors when opening the HTML template.
Control the range of possible values of CQ and ITU zones when
importing from ADIF.
Importation from DL1EFJ's VHF-Contest was not working
Don't allow to enable CAT unless there is some rig-set active.
Location of HF0QF and HF0POL (South Shetland) corrected
Main improvements & changes in version 3.0A
Improvements in CAT support
New rigs IC-821, FT-1000MP, FT-1000MP Mark-V, FT-857 are
Mapping of digital modes sent by VQLog to the rig
Force recovery of rig status when deleting / undoing QSO entry.
Fixed bugs:
Run time Error 381 when accessing some QSO that didn't have a DXCC
code assigned.
File generated for LoTW was the same than for
Run-time error 3075 in the summary of DXCC entities pending of
Error 52, Bad Filename or number? when opening the dialog for QSL
image file selection.
Error 3170 when browsing the logbook is controlled in order to give a
more detailed warning.
Main improvements & changes in version 3.0
Program uses Jet 4.0 (DAO 3.6) database engine, what makes it compatible
with MS-Access 2000
New satellite modes U-S2, L1-S2 and L2-S2 supported
New satellite SO-50 supported
New transmission modes JT6M and PSK63 supported
New bands of 73 KHz and 5 MHz (60m) supported
Improvementes in ADIF importation
Control of wrong dates and too long fields
Serial number generated with C2A was not imported
Support the files generated with the program ATALANTA
Improvements in the importation from CT that sometimes was not working on
Windows 2000 and XP
Length of input fields for Name, Town and Remarks adapts to the widht of
the window
Possibility to print the QSL data alone, without printing a background
image (for pre-printed QSLs)
Improvements in the summaries of QSOs (on screen, file and WEB page)
A column showing the mode, unless an specific mode has been selected
A column showing the band, unless an specific band has been
A column showing the propagation mode, unless an specific mode
has been selected)
Length of remarks column is adjusted according to the longer
In the summaries of QSOs and propagation opennings, all QSO are taken into
account, even if locator is not available
Possibility to choose the sort order (ascending/descending) in the
summaries of QSOs, initial QSOs, EME initials and squares.
When entering or modifying QSOs you can select the own callsign and
locator from a dropdown list
Improved detection of locators in the comments of DX spots
New option for filtering DX spots
Only for the bands you are active in
Only if the DX or spotter are at closer to your than the given
Posibility to use LiveMuf for receiving DX-Spots
New contextual menus in the DX-Spots window
Search other QSOs with the DXCC of the DX or the spotter
Send the DX-spot to the Entry window
Show spot on a map
UTC time is calculated according to the time zone configuration of
Windows. This means:
Summer/Winter time adjusts are made automatically
Time zones with differences of half hours or so are supported (For
instance time zone of India which is GMT+5:30)
Allow to enter CQ and TEST in the callsign field without assigning the QSO
to a DXCC. (In order to allow to register calls and test transmissions as
required by some administrations)
Show the long path in the "available data" window
Possibitily to update the QSL-send/QSL-Received indicators from
an ADIF file (For, LoTW, etc)
ADIF files generated now include the CQ zone, ITU zone and continent
Letter size paper supported, if configured in printer options
Input length for award references is now 20 characters
Support the use of Award Definition Files (ADF). This means:
References can be selected from a list
Input format can be controlled
It's possible to make summaries of pending references
New-DXCC warnings are now independent for phone and CW, in HF bands
In quick summaries of DXCC it's possible to select the mode
Allow to use wildcards (*,?,#) when accessing by callsign
Possibility to make summaries of awards and locators in chart format, with
a column by band Additionally if "all mode" is selected separate
columns for phone, CW and other are also included
When changing the DXCC entity, the continent, CQ zone and ITU zone are
adjusted accordingly
When entering QSOs, possibility to show automatically a table of bands in
which the locator has been worked before
When entering QSOs, possibility to show automatically a table of bands and
modes in which the DXCC has been worked before
Possibility to assume the award references from former QSOs with that
Possiblity to print QSL or QSL labels for SWL's
Possibilty to print several QSOs on the same QSL or QSL label
144 MHz activity DX contest adapted to the new rules of year 2003
Interface with rigs that support remote control (CAT)
Built-in database of locators updated:
17706 new callsings
19657 callsigns updated
Stations signing as /R are considered as "rover stations"
Improvements/changes in version 2.3B
New modes of propagation supported. LOS (Line of Sight), TRS (Tropo scatter), TRD
(Tropo ducting)
Wrong DXCC assignation of KH5 prefixes
Error "3061 - Too few parameters" appearing sporadically in
summaries and statistics.
Under certain rare circumstances the program ended and afterwards the
log is empty.
Improvements/changes in version 2.3a
Faster execution (specially noticeable in P-II and older computers)
Improvements in URECON importation (null RSTs and TPEA)
A wrong QSO number was shown after editing a former QSO (It was properly
kept in the log, anyway)
It was not possible to reset the end time of the QSO when updating a
Improvements/changes in version 2.3
Callbook CD support improved
QRZ.COM callbook support
Buckmaster's HamCall support
Possibility to have the callbook CD copied in the hard disk
Assume automatically the US county if the award
"USACA" is configured
Assume automatically the 10-10 number if the award
"10-10" is configured
Improvements in the print format of the addresses
Frequencies are shown complete (not removing the trailing zeros)
Possibility to send E-Mails simply clicking on the E-Mail address
Possibility to navigate to the web pages just clicking on the URL
ADIF importation improved
QSL sent/received indicators
Importation of WAS, US counties & VE provinces
Support of Tag CONTEST_ID
Support of the non-standard tag LOCATOR (used by
Importation of files in Cabrillo format
Possibility to assume several values by default when importing Cabrillo, ADIF, ASCII, TacLog, CT
and URELOC files
Warning is shown when trying to enter a QSO in a frequency outside any
amateur band
Summary of subsquares
Possibility to use a "transparent label" with the QSO data when
printing QSLs.
Possibility to print 4 QSLs on a sheet of paper (landscape orientation)
New SATellite-specific input fields (Satellite name and mode)
New meteor-scatter specific input fields (Nr.pings & bursts, max
length, etc..)
New EME specific input fields to allow to control EME initials.
Possibility to print Satellite and MS specific fields on the QSL
Possibility to sort the summaries of QSOs, squares and initials by several
criteria (Date/Time, Callsign, Locator or Distance)
Statistics of QSOs by satellite.
Statistics of QSOs by mode
Possibility to define equivalent callsigns
New summary of EME initials
Longer text for transmission modes
New function to restore the default value of the main window
Number of posible awards increased up to 30
Possibility to make summaries and logbook listing based on the
New buttons in the summaries windows to make easier to selection of the
least restrictive options
Possibility to generate an ADIF file with the summary of QSOs
New function to select the QSOs to be included in an ADIF file
Possibility to use the ITU designation of the modes
Adjust the size of the maps windows to the size of the map
Draw QSOs on the maps according to the line (real path)
Width of columns of the browse window is kept into the configuration
Possibility to leave a window (browse-like) open that shows the last QSOs
while they are being entered
Possibility to show QSOs on the map even if the locator of the other
station is not available
Possibility to set the QSL-Sent indicator to "N", meaning
"No QSL exchange" for that QSOs
Improvements in the printing of QSLs and QSL labels
You can select "only QSOs for which the QSL hasn't been received
You can select "Don't sent QSLs to the stations already
You can select "Don't sent QSLs to the stations to which a QSL
has been already sent before"
Network support. Possibility to run VQLog from a network shared device and
use the same databases from several computers simultaneusly
Maps and graphics are generated in PNG format for web-pages (much smaller
size than BMP)
Possibility to create and use independent log files
Possibility to create and use independent configuration files
Internal database of stations/locators updated
27733 new callsigns
30358 locators checked and updated
Other minor bug fixes and improvements
Some deleted entities were no shown in the dropdown list box
Blenheim Reef
Geyser Reef
Abu Ail Is.
Posible errors when opening the language pluging file are now controlled
Warn if some file is maked as read-only, when starting the program
Error control routine improved, when starting the program
When a QSO was marked with "QSL received via..." directly from
the logbook access window or the browse window, the locator and DXCC tables
where not updated
Error of date format when entering a few callsigns
/M /P, etc. callsigns where not found when accessing the callbook
Zeros where not slashed when printing the logbook
Callsigns with wrong charaters are not allowed
An error was shown when loading the DX-Spots window if there was some
modal window open
DDE queue is clean inmediatly to avoid locks of
When accessing the logbook and pressing one of the "F" keys
assigned to "mark with QSL..." without having any QSO in the list,
an out of range error was shown
Background of labels is always shown white, independently of the colours
configured for the windows desktop.
Division by zero when printing address labels (1 row of labels and
"don't print the last row" ticked)
Control errors if log empty when browsing and editing last QSO
Transparent background of icons on buttons.
When callbook access was active and moving from the callsign to the
RST-sent field this last one was not maked (selected) automatically
Allow names with apostrophes in the addres book
Removed Activity DX contest on 432 MHz
Generate a file OTHER_CALLSIGNS when exporting to ADIF by callsigns, for
holding the QSOs not having the own-callsign field filled.
Improvements/changes in version 2.2
Radio Amateur Call Book CD support
Access to the logbook by text in remarks
Access to the logbook by main square (2 letters)
Access to the logbook by DXCC entity
Posibility of making summaries of main squares (2 letters)
Posibility of registering the Azimuth and elevation of the antenna
Posibility of comunicating with ARSWIN to turn the antenna and register
the Azimuth/Elevation automatically
Pop-up menus using the right button of the mouse
On the list of QSOs when accessing the logbook
When browsing the logbook
In the "QSOs" tab
In the QSL queue
When accessing the address-book
When accessing the VHF Database
On the callsigns in the list of received DX-spots
Posibility of selecting several rows at the same time in the different
On the list of QSOs when accessing the logbook
When browsing the logbook
In the "QSOs" tab
In the QSL queue
When accessing the VHF Database
Hot keys for changing the QSL sent/received indicators when accessing the
logbook and browsing the logbook.
Posibility of making summaries of QSOs including QSOs not complete.
Indication, using different colors, of the QSOs not complete and SWLs.
Latest received DX-spots are marked with a different background color.
Posibility of selecting the format of dates
Posibility of defining a list of the rigs/antennas and use it when
entering QSOs in the field "Rig".
Posibility of defining a list with the powers most often used and use it
when entering QSOs in the field "Power"."
Posibility of restricting the list of transmission modes and types of
propagation to the most often used.
Posibility of registering the end time of the QSO automatically.
Automatic generation of WEB pages with the summaries. maps and
Posibility of using slashed ceros (? in callsigns and
Generation of maps of squares for the VUCC award
Posibility of reducing the number of the input fields
Summary of the 100 EA CW award
Posibility of printing the own callsign on the QSLs and QSL labels.
New functions for generating ADIF files.
Complete QSOs in a single file
Complete QSOs, one file for each callsign used
Small files to be uploaded to
The routine for searching locators has been improved in order to assume
always the most recent information.
Support "E" as indicator of electronic QSL sent/received.
6 meter band now covers up to 54 MHz in order to match the frequencies
assigned in USA.
New modes FSK, PSK4 and WSJT supported
Control of null fields when importing from Radiolog
Importation of the RG23 program
Support the importation of version 4.1a of Log-It
ADIF files importation improved
EasyLog importation improved
Ham importation improved
Importation of satellite modes from FastLog has been improved
Log 4.0 importation improved
URELIB importation improved
Importation of ASCII files improved
Posibility of importing the serial number of QSOs from TacLog
Identification of U.K. novice callsigns improved.
Location of some stations improved (KG4, EM1HO...)
South Africa call areas updated
Internal database of locators has been updated
Locator of 9420 stations has been revised and updated
9915 new stations have been added
DX-spots with callsigns like "QRV, AURORA, MUF, etc" are not
intepreted as new/not confirmed DXCC entities
After entering a QSO the program was always giving the focus to the
"Date" field, instead of giving it to the first field defined in
the input sequence.
Rare "Run-time Error 3022" in the summaries of awards.
Improvements/changes in version 2.1c
New type of progagation "RS" (Rain-Scatter)
Free importation from ASCII files
Configurable option for showing distances in Miles
Blinking indication in the QSOs tab when the station has been worked
Reception and processing of DX-Spots from DX-Cluster, etc. using DX-Telnet
Show "New/not confirmed DXCC" warning in the QSO-update window.
Don't go to the begining of the list when deleting a QSL from the queue
Posibility to use external "plug-in" files with texts of the
program in other languages
Wider frequency margin of the 13 Cm. band in order to cover frequencies
allocated in Australia
List the QSOs with a square when double clicking on it on the map
Posibility to automatically set the "QSL-Sent" indicator when
printing the QSL.
Printing of maps fitting the size of the sheet of paper.
New modes MFSK y MT63
Importation from LogPlus 3.64
Importation from RadioLog
New band 136 KHz.
Posibility to print complete QSL cards. Not just labels.
Improvements in the importation from KingWin
Improvements in the importation from FastLog
Improvements in the importation from SwissLog
Adapt importation from Radio Gest in order to support version 40
Improved the location of stations in entities of the former Soviet Union
Support decimal comma when importing from ADIF and ASCII files
Support fields "SAT_MODE" and "SAT_NAME" in the importation of ADIF.
Direct link to the WEB page for updating DL8EBW's VHF database.
Error when importing QSOs without band from URELIB
RST-received and sent were wrongly imported from Log 4.0
Importation from RadioGes was importing improperly callsigns containing a
slash (/P, /MM, etc)
Solved a problem in the importation/exportation of the QSL-Manager in ADIF
Wrong location of some callsigns
Error when printing QSL from the QSO-access window.
Avoid that /MM stations were giving "unknown DXCC" error in the
The QSO-complete indicator was always shown in Spanish when browsing the
End-Time of the QSO sometimes appear as "1/1/2000 00:00" (Is
necessary to run "File - Repair/Compact the database" in order to
correct it)
Improvements/changes in version 2.1b
Faster startup
Show locator and distance for the location of the mouse pointer on the
Problems importing callsigns with "/P" from HAM-III
4K3 & 4K4 callsigns where not recognised
Some problems when printing only one QSL-label per sheet.
Some problems importing from Log-It
Problems importing IOTA & WAS awards froml EasyLog
Problem importing ADIF files with only one record and without header
Assume type of propagation "AUR" for reports 59A when importing
from FastLog and EasyLog
Importation from HyperLog 4.10
QRG for QSOs on 80 an 160 m. was wrongly printed on the QSL label.
New mode PACTOR
Bypass the URELOC 1.8 problem that stores dates like 1900 instead of 2000,
in order to correct the date during the importation.
Wrong modes when importing from TacLog.
Importation from DasLog
Solved the "Error 3061: pocos parametros se esperaba 1"
when importing from URELOC 1.8
Importation from MFJ-EasyDX
Importation from URELIB 3.x
New DXCC entities 4W y TX0 supported
Problems importing from new version of CT
New prefix VP6 for Pitcairn
Support awards DOK & DIG when importing from Log 4.0
Wrong location of stations RK9 y RK2
Posibility to Zoom the maps.
Detailed maps of Africa & South America.
Problems registering QSOs with 7O stations (Yemen)
Error 383: when entering certain callsigns not correctly supported in the
DXCC table.
Posibility to draw equistant lines on the maps.
Importation from Super WinLog
Error "Wrong Day/Month received in function CDatelnt" when
importing from C-Log.
Importation from TacLog 1.99
Prefix T8 assigned to Belau, instead of KC6
Summary of squares for VUCC award
Posibility to backup the configuration file
Improvements in the importation from SwissLog
Improvements in the importation from Log-EQF
If start-time and end-time are the same don't print the end-time on QSLs.
When printing the own-locator on the QSL, the text "My Loc:" was
nos printed
Posibility to print PSE/TNX QSL on the QSL labels
Posibility to print the QSL manager on the QSL labels
Improvements/changes in version 2.1a
New mode ARQ
Importation from Log VRR
Importation from OH1AA's log
Summaries of awards were sent to a file called "CommonDialog1.filename"
instead of to the selected file-name.
Importation from SwissLog failing with QSOs of year 2000
When working a new DXCC on EME it was not possible to change to other
folders (Distance, Awards....)
Improper versions of some DLL's were installed by the SETUP of version 2.1
Improvements/changes in version 2.1
Error "File not found" importing from Log-EQF
Treatment of frequencies 1K3, 2K3, etc. from FastLog
Several improvements in the importation from FastLog
Run-time errors when cancelling a print
Access to VQLog's WEB site and the community of users of VQLog on Internet
Problems in the importation from EasyLog
Configuration data is kept in a separate file, so that the information is
not lost when upgrading to a new version.
Makes sure that the QSL labels are always printed in portrait mode
Longer RST fields (8 characters)
Error "Invalid use of null" when changing some imported records.
Importation froml VisuaLog 1.2 by EA7EYX
Wrong location of 4U50VIC
New treatment of DXCC entities
Posibility of assigning a QSO to a certain DXCC entity (even
"deleted" ones), CQ zone, ITU zone & continent
Support of user-defined awards (for instance WAS, IOTA, TPEA, DIE...)
New QSO fields: Power, Rig & QSL-manager
Several improvements in the back-up option.
Importation from KingWin
New allocation of prefixes in Canada
Importation from HAM-III 2.1b
New mode AMTOR
Problem when importing TacLog files with "Own locator" longer
than 6 characters
Indication of the number of square/DXCC when working a new-one
Expsrv.dll added to the SETUP because of requirements of the new
Improvements/changes in patch "h" (VQLog 2.0h)
New version 1.60 of the DL8EBW's VHF database
"Run-Time" error when updating DL8EBW's VHF database
Importation of G4HBA's personal log
Changes in the importaion of G4IGO's personal log
The program assumed the date 31-12-1899 in the QSL labels
Improvements/changes in patch "g" (VQLog 2.0g)
Detailed map of North America, Asia & Australia
Posibility to customize the input sequence of the fields
Importation from Station Master
Importation from Log 4.0
Importation from LogPlus 4.08a
Importation from EA-Log V6.3a
Importation from URECON 3.1
Importation from CT
Importation from Log-EQF V.9
Importation from personal log of G4IGO
Posibility to automatically assume the time of the start of QSO based on
the end-time of the former one.
Posibility to print the logbook by bands.
New type of propagation "back scatter"
(BS) supported
Posibility to make quick summaries of squares/DXCC of all bands/HF-No
Problems importing from SwissLog
Problems with some DXCC prefixes (HM, VR, ZG, UE3D, etc)
VP8SSI was wrongly located
Problem importing contacts made via satellite from
Problems in some summaries of QSOs on 12, 17 & 30 m:
After importations the number of next QSO was not updated.
Improvements/changes in patch "f" (VQLog 2.0f)
Importation from TacLog 1.98
Problems with dates when importing ADIF files
Posibility to customize the number of QSOs per page when printing the logbook.
New prefix 2C for stations from Wales (GW)
New prefix 2U for GU stations.
Cursos sometimes was not jumping automatically from the "Callsign" to the
"Report sent" field. Tab key had to be pressed twice.
After recomputing the numbers of records, the value was not updated int the QSO-entry
Importation froml UKWTest 4.07
Support of DL8EBW's VHF database.
Summary of MWS duplicated some squares (KP18, KP28...)
Run-Time error if a callsging was typed with quotes on it.
Name of DXCC entities with character "&" where improperly shown.
Improvements/changes in patch "e" (VQLog 2.0e)
New function "Edit last QSO"
Posibility to automatically assume some fields from available data.
Importation froml VHF-contest V2.3 by DL1EFJ
Importation from EasyLog 4.52
Texts in Catalan have been revised.
If the the program was closed when being minimized, then the next time it was run it
stayed minimized.
Import from URELOC 1.8
Import from URELIB 2.1
Problem importing contacts from EA6VQLog 1.5 having some fields null.
Support of american version of Windows, having default date mask like MM/DD/YY
Problems importing frequencies from ADIF files
Don't allow to select user labels (QSLs) if this hasn't been defined
New prefix 2S for Scotish stations (GM)
Improvements/changes in patch "d" (VQLog 2.0d)
When changing date at 24:00h and having the PC time set to non-UTC, the date was also
changed on screen
Import from SwissLog 3.D3
"Run-Time Error 3131" when importing from URELOC 1.7
Errors accessing the logbook by record number.
Improvements/changes in patch "c" (VQLog 2.0c)
"RUNTIME ERROR 381 "SUBSCRIPT OUT OF RANGE" when double clicking on an
empty list of QSOs when accessing the logbook.
Import / Export ADIF files
Problem importing form DL1EFJ's log with records with null dates.
Automatically adapt entered callsigns, avoiding the entry of "-" y
"\" characters.
Summaries, statistics, logbook listing and QSL-labels printing have been adapted in
order to assume the default locator (from the station data) when the "My
locator" field hasn't been entered in the QSO.
Some minor problems in the distance calculation in some summaries and statistics have
been fixed.
Improvements/changes in patch "b" (VQLog 2.0b)
Problems importing QSOs and addreses from EA6VQLog 1.5 with "null" records
When typing year 0 to 9, the program assumed year 200 to 209 (instead of 2000 to 2009,
as it does now)
Posibility to define your time-zone in the "program options"