L'Hemisferic Picture of the building l'Hemisferic in the city of arts and sciencies (Valencia/Spain)
|  L'Umbracle Picture of the garden of l'Umbracle in the city of arts and sciencies (Valencia/Spain)
|  L'Oceanografic Picture of some of the buildings of l'Oceanografic in the city of arts and sciencies (Valencia/Spain)

Picture of the buildings of the Palace of Arts and l'Hemisferic in the city of arts and sciencies (Valencia/Spain) taken in/from l'Umbracle
|  Aquarium of l'Oceanographic Picture of one the glass tunnels of the aquarium of L'Oceanografic (Valencia/Spain)
|  Museum of sciencies Prince Felipe Picture of the builiding of the Museum of Sciencies Prince Felipe in the City of Arts and Sciencies (Valencia/Spain)
 The mechanical eyelid Picture of inside l'Hemisferic in the City of Arts and Sciencies (Valencia/Spain)
|  L'Umbracle Picture of l'Umbracle in the City of Arts and Sciencies (Valencia/Spain) taken in/from the building of l'Hemisferic
|  Dolphins jumping Picture of dolphins jumping in l'Oceanografic (Valencia/Spain)
 Little Egret Picture of a little egret (Egretta garzetta) at l'Oceanografic (Valencia/Spain)
|  Water Hyacinth Picture of a water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) at l'Oceanografic (Valencia/Spain)
|  Red-eared Sliders Picture of some Red-eared Sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) at l'Oceanografic (Valencia/Spain)
 Church of Los Santos Juanes Picture of the church of Los Santos Juanes in Valencia (Spain)
|  Central market Picture of the central market of Valencia (Spain)
|  La lonja de la seda Picture of a window of 'la lonja de la seda' in Valencia (Spain)
 The narrowest building Picture of the narrowest building of Valencia (Spain)
|  Bobbin lace Picture of women making bobbin lace in the 'Plaza Redonda' of Valencia (Spain)
|  El Miguelete Picture of the tower 'El Miguelete' of the cathedral of Valencia (Spain)

Picture of a small square of Valencia (Spain)
|  Fountain of the Sociedad Economica Picture of the fountain of the Sociedad Economica in Valencia (Spain)
|  Palace of the Maquis of Dos Aguas Picture of the palace of the Maquis of Dos Aguas in Valencia (Spain)
 The gate of the sea Picture of the gate of the sea (Puerta del Mar) in Valencia (Spain)