The Haunted City Picture of the 'Ciudad Encantada' (Cuenca/Spain)
|  The toboggan Picture of 'the toboggan' in the Ciudad Encantada (Cuenca/Spain)
|  The Tormo Alto Picture of the 'Tormo Alto' in the Ciudad Encantada (Cuenca/Spain)
 Salt mine in Cardona Picture of the salt mountain taken in/from Cardona (Catalonia / Spain)
|  Salt mine in Cardona Picture of a detail of the salt mountain taken in/from Cardona (Catalonia / Spain)
|  Los Roques de Garcia Picture of One of the Roques de Garcia, also simply called Los Roques (El Teide - Spain)
 Los Roques de Garcia Picture of The Roques de Garcia, also simply called Los Roques (El Teide - Spain)
|  Roque Chinchado. Picture of The Roque Chinchado taken in/from Los Roques (Teide - Spain)
|  Møns Klint Picture of one of the stairs going down to the beach of Møns Klint taken in/from Møns Klint (Denmark)
 Beach of Møns Klint Picture of the beach of Møns Klint taken in/from Møns Klint (Denmark)
|  Møns Klint Picture of the cliffs of Møns Klint taken in/from Møns Klint (Denmark)
|  Møns Klint Picture of the cliffs of Møns Klint taken in/from Møns Klint (Denmark)
 M�ns Klint Picture of the cliffs of Møns Klint taken in/from Møns Klint (Denmark)
|  Møns Klint Picture of a path by the cliffs of Møns Klint taken in/from Møns Klint (Denmark)
|  The forest of Møns Klint Picture of the forest of Møns Klint taken in/from Møns Klint (Denmark)
 Mas d'Azil Picture of the grotto of Mas d'Azil (French Pyrenees)
|  Mas d'Azil Picture of the grotto of Mas d'Azil (French Pyrenees)
|  Mas d'Azil Picture of the road and the river taken in/from the grotto of Mas d'Azil (French Pyrenees)
 Mas d'Azil Picture of how the man can spoil a natural marvel taken in/from the grotto of Mas d'Azil (French Pyrenees)