Bulimus Gerundensis Picture of some fossils, possibly of Bulimus Gerundensis taken in/from Son Vida (Mallorca - Spain)
|  Bulimus Gerundensis Picture of some fossils, possibly of Bulimus Gerundensis taken in/from Son Vida (Mallorca - Spain)
|  Bulimus Gerundensis Picture of some fossils, possibly of Bulimus Gerundensis taken in/from Son Vida (Mallorca - Spain)
 Ammonites from Biniamar Picture of some pieces of fossils of Phylloceras s.p. (some could be Phylloceras Subalpinum) taken in/from Biniamar (Mallorca - Spain)
|  Microammonites from Biniamar Picture of small rusty fossil ammonites, not identified taken in/from Biniamar (Mallorca - Spain)
|  Phylloceratidae Picture of an unidentified ammonite of the Phylloceratidae family taken in/from Cuber (Mallorca - Spain)
 Phylloceratidae Picture of an unidentified ammonite of the Phylloceratidae family taken in/from Cuber (Mallorca - Spain)
|  Phylloceratidae Picture of an unidentified ammonite of the Phylloceratidae family taken in/from Cuber (Mallorca - Spain)
|  Pygope Catulloi Picture of a terebratula, Pygope Catulloi, showing the profile of the breathing hole taken in/from Cuber (Mallorca - Spain)
 Pygope Catulloi Picture of a terebratula, Pygope Catulloi, showing the breathing hole (filled by matrix) taken in/from Cuber (Mallorca - Spain)
|  Pygope Catulloi Picture of a terebratula, Pygope Catulloi, showing the distinguishing profile of the shell taken in/from Cuber (Mallorca - Spain)
|  Unidentified ammonites Picture of some unidentified ammonites from the Tithonic-Berriasian taken in/from Cuber (Mallorca - Spain)
 Himalayites microcanthus Picture of some fragments of Himalayites microcanthus taken in/from Cuber (Mallorca - Spain)
|  Phylloceras Ptychoicum Picture of a Phylloceras Ptychoicum, barely identifiable taken in/from Cuber (Mallorca - Spain)
|  Ammonitico Rosso Picture of a fragment of Himalayites Microcanthus, in Ammonitico Rosso facies taken in/from Cuber (Mallorca - Spain)
 Phylloceras s.p. Picture of a Phylloceras s.p. taken in/from Coll de Sa Creu (Mallorca - Spain)
|  unidentified fossils Picture of some unidentified fossils, possibly of sponges taken in/from Coll de Sa Creu (Mallorca - Spain)
|  Vaunagites pistililliformis Picture of a belemnites (Vaunagites pistililliformis) taken in/from Son Rapinya (Mallorca - Spain)
 Small Phylloceras sp. Picture of a small Phylloceras sp. taken in/from Son Rapinya (Mallorca - Spain)
|  Heteromorph ammontite Picture of a fragment of an heteromorph ammonite (Hamiticeras sp. ?) taken in/from Son Rapinya (Mallorca - Spain)
|  Unidentified ammonite Picture of an unidentified ammonite, very flat, with delicate ribs which extend to the ventral part of the shell taken in/from Son Rapinya (Mallorca - Spain)
 Unidentified ammonites Picture of some unidentified ammonites taken in/from Son Rapinya (Mallorca - Spain)
|  Oxidized fossils Picture of a fragment of a belemnite and an ammonite barely recognizable, due to oxidation. taken in/from Son Rapinya (Mallorca - Spain)
|  Keuper fossil? Picture of a marl showing a possible fossil, too spoiled to be identified taken in/from Andratx area (Mallorca - Spain)
 Nucula sp. Picture of the shell of a lower cretaceus bivalve (Nucula sp.) taken in/from Son Rapinya (Mallorca - Spain)